Public Member Functions |
| GuidoEngineAdapter () |
| GuidoEngineAdapter.
virtual | ~GuidoEngineAdapter () |
| ~GuidoEngineAdapter
GuidoErrCode | init (GuidoInitDesc *desc) |
| Initialises the Guido Engine. Must be called before any attempt to read a Guido file or to use the Guido Factory.
GuidoErrCode | init () |
| Initialise the Guido Engine with a internal SVGSystem and SVGDevice. This system and device have embind font metrics. They are used to calculate score in environnement without font metrics like javascript.
void | shutdown () |
| Guido Engine shutdown.
GRHandler | ar2gr (ARHandler ar) |
| Transforms a Guido abstract representation into a Guido graphic representation. The engine applies layout algorithms according to the settings given as argument. Default settings are applied.
GRHandler | ar2gr (ARHandler ar, const GuidoLayoutSettings &settings) |
| Transforms a Guido abstract representation into a Guido graphic representation. The engine applies layout algorithms according to the settings given as argument.
GuidoErrCode | updateGR (GRHandler gr) |
| Applies new layout settings to an existing Guido graphic representation. Default settings are applied.
GuidoErrCode | updateGR (GRHandler gr, const GuidoLayoutSettings &settings) |
| Applies new layout settings to an existing Guido graphic representation.
void | freeAR (ARHandler ar) |
| Releases a Guido abstract representation. This method must be called after freeGR.
void | freeGR (GRHandler gr) |
| Releases a Guido graphic representation. Don't release the ARHandler refenrece in the GRHandler before release the GR.
std::string | getErrorString (GuidoErrCode errCode) |
| Gives a textual description of a Guido error code.
GuidoLayoutSettings | getDefaultLayoutSettings () |
| Gives the default values of the layout settings.
int | countVoices (CARHandler inHandleAR) |
| Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation.
int | getPageCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR) |
| Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation.
int | getSystemCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int page) |
| Gives the number of systems on a given page.
GuidoDate | duration (CGRHandler inHandleGR) |
| Returns the music duration of a score.
int | findEventPage (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date) |
| Finds the page which has an event (note or rest) at a given date.
int | findPageAt (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date) |
| Finds the page which contain a given date.
GuidoDate | getPageDate (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int pageNum) |
| Gives the time location of a Page.
GuidoErrCode | onDraw (GuidoOnDrawDesc *desc) |
| Draws one page of score into a graphic device.
GuidoErrCode | gr2SVG (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, bool embedFont=true, const char *font=0, const int mappingMode=0) |
| Exports one page of score to SVG.
std::string | gr2SVG (const GRHandler handle, int page, bool embedFont=true, const int mappingMode=0) |
| Exports one page of score to SVG.
GuidoErrCode | abstractExport (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out) |
| Exports an abstract representation of GUIDO draw commands.
std::string | abstractExport (const GRHandler handle, int page) |
| Exports an abstract representation of GUIDO draw commands.
GuidoErrCode | binaryExport (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out) |
| Exports an representation of GUIDO draw commands in a data-reduced dsl.
std::string | binaryExport (const GRHandler handle, int page) |
| Exports an representation of GUIDO draw commands in a data-reduced dsl.
void | setDrawBoundingBoxes (int bbMap) |
| Control bounding boxes drawing.
int | getDrawBoundingBoxes () |
| Gives bounding boxes drawing state.
GuidoPageFormat | getPageFormat (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int pageNum) |
| Gives a score page format.
void | setDefaultPageFormat (const GuidoPageFormat &format) |
| Sets the default score page format.
GuidoPageFormat | getDefaultPageFormat () |
| Gives the default score page format.
float | unit2CM (float val) |
| Converts internal Guido units into centimeters.
float | cm2Unit (float val) |
| Converts centimeters into internal Guido units.
float | unit2Inches (float val) |
| Converts internal Guido units into inches.
float | inches2Unit (float val) |
| Converts inches into internal Guido units.
GuidoErrCode | resizePageToMusic (GRHandler inHandleGR) |
| Resize the page sizes to the music size.
GuidoVersion | getVersion () |
| Gives the library version number as three integers.
GuidoErrCode | checkVersionNums (int major, int minor, int sub) |
| Checks a required library version number.
float | getLineSpace () |
| Gives the distance between two staff lines.
GuidoErrCode | markVoice (ARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, const GuidoDate &duration, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) |
| Gives a color to all notes of a voice between a given time interval.
GuidoErrCode | setSymbolPath (ARHandler inHandleAR, const std::vector< std::string > &inPaths) |
| Makes the correspondance between an ARMusic and a path.
std::vector< std::string > | getSymbolPath (const ARHandler inHandleAR) |
| Returns the path corresponding to an AR.
long | getParsingTime (const ARHandler ar) |
| Gets parsing time.
long | getAR2GRTime (const GRHandler gr) |
| Gets AR to GR procedure time.
long | getOnDrawTime (const GRHandler gr) |
| Gets GR drawing procedure time.
GuidoParser * | openParser () |
| Creates a new parser.
GuidoErrCode | closeParser (GuidoParser *p) |
| Close a guido parser and releases all the associated ressources.
ARHandler | file2AR (GuidoParser *parser, const std::string &file) |
| Parse a file and create the corresponding AR.
ARHandler | string2AR (GuidoParser *parser, const std::string &gmnCode) |
| Parse a string and create the corresponding AR.
std::string | getStream (GuidoStream *gStream) |
| returns the string of the stream
ARHandler | stream2AR (GuidoParser *p, GuidoStream *stream) |
| Parse a stream and create the corresponding AR.
ParserError | parserGetErrorCode (GuidoParser *p) |
| Get the error syntax line/column/message.
GuidoStream * | openStream () |
| Open a guido stream.
GuidoErrCode | closeStream (GuidoStream *s) |
| Close a guido stream.
GuidoErrCode | writeStream (GuidoStream *s, const std::string &str) |
| Write data to the stream.
GuidoErrCode | resetStream (GuidoStream *s) |
| Erase all stream content in order to reuse it.